亂源 林鈺堂 邪說暴行使世間無有寧日,而苦楚輾轉加深。若不能徹見禍源,在根本上調理,則調不勝調,愈理愈亂。佛陀慈示根本之道在於修習去除我執。奈何世間能體會此真理而願意遵循者太少。 Sources of Chaos Yutang Lin Devious views mislead people into entanglements; Comment: Devious views and violent actions render the world to have no day without unrest, and sufferings are compounded and further aggravated. If the sources of troubles could not be recognized and problems could not be dealt with at their roots, then control and management would become an endless job and the handling could lead to further complications. Out of compassion Buddha teaches that the fundamental solution is for sentient beings to practice eradication of the grasping to a notion of self. Unfortunately, in the world those who could appreciate the truth of this teaching and be willing to follow it in daily life are too few.
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