受供 林鈺堂 識者來供敬謹受,感彼虔誠結法緣; 跋 專志道業,不悉營生。佛友來供,感恩敬領。呈佛轉施,法緣漣演。聊充福田,長養智悲。供者受者,同入法身。
Receiving Offerings Yutang Lin Appreciative offerings are respectfully accepted, Comment: Wholeheartedly dedicated to Dharma activities to the extent of not knowing about earning a living. Dharma friends bring offerings; in gratitude respectfully accept them. Present the offerings to Buddhas, and share them with others. Thus Dharma connections spread like ripples. Unsuitably serve as the field of merits for others to cultivate; may wisdom and compassion grow and yield fruits. May the donors and the recipients all merge into the Dharmakaya!
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