難言之隱 林鈺堂 隱私難言家家經,無從排解罩陰霾; 跋 世間困苦,各有隱私,難以言表,又無從排解。因此往往鬱鬱寡歡,甚且意氣消沈,抑鬱成疾。若能看穿個人之困境亦屬世間之常情,或可了悟無需將心眼滯限於牛角尖內,轉而放眼於宇宙之萬象,而暢開胸襟。
Untold Secrets Yutang Lin Unspeakable painful privacy prevails in every household; Comment: Much suffering and difficulties prevail in the world. Each and every one has some unspeakable privacy that has no solution in sight. Consequently, many people are gloomy with only very few hearty smiles. Some even become depressed easily and ends up with chronic illnesses. If one can see through that predicaments such as one's own are common in the world at large, then one might comprehend that there is no need to fix one's mind's eyes at looking inside a ever-narrowing horn, and instead one may turn around to view the variegated things in the universe and enjoy the vista of an open mind.
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