中道 林鈺堂 漫無規矩流紊亂,迎合準繩矯飾生; 跋 無有節制,易流紊亂。一有準繩,便生矯偽。謀求平衡,難免偏差。造作有限,中道難臻。回復本淨,率性皆真。不落迷執,自然有節。
The Middle Way Yutang Lin In the absence of norms things deteriorate into chaos; Comment: Without controls things easily runs into chaos. Once standards are set, there would be pretension and forgery. Seeking balance of order and truth, distortion and bias could hardly be avoided. Artificial endeavors are quite limited; the middle way is difficult to attain. Once returned to original purity, freely express only true feelings. Not under the spell of illusion or grasping, naturally there arise restraining senses.
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