不可思議 林鈺堂 簡繁轉換 - 繁體 不可思議佛常示,起心動念即偏離; 跋 經文中常見「不可思議」,直指非思量可及。吾人習於以觀念、文字試圖界定事情,而忽略其間距離之大、失誤之多。若能看清吾人所不知,所不及掌控,遠過於短暫一生之微渺知見,而安住於單純之心地,卻能於不思議之際,契入本來之實相。
Inconceivable Yutang Lin Buddha often mentioned "inconceivable" in Sutras; Comment: In the Sutras the description "inconceivable" springs forth here and there all over the place; it points out directly that matters are beyond human thinking. We are used to attempting to define matters through concepts and words while overlooking the great distance between them and the abundance in mismatches. If one could realize that what are unknown to us and what are beyond our controls are much, much more than what little knowledge or right views that one could gain in this transient life, and therefore choose to abide in simple-mindedness, then, at some inconceivable juncture, it could happen that one would merge into the original real situation.
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