知苦樂法 林鈺堂 苦樂兩極因緣繫,迷於關聯枉浮沉; 跋 經文「知苦樂法」可以兩解。一為「知世間苦而樂出世法」。一為「明瞭導致苦樂之法則」。余意以後者較為深刻,因其中包含如下之義理: 苦與樂之結果乃循因緣逆向之發展所形成。不明因果順逆之理,則浮沉於苦樂之間,患得患失,而無有解脫之期。佛陀開示四聖諦、十二因緣,以助眾生明瞭通達苦樂兩極之途徑與方向。至於眾生是否能得法益,還視當機者之信受、遵循與否。
Comprehending the Sequential Connections Yutang Lin Suffering and happiness are poles strung by causal connections. Comment: Depending on the direction of the development of causes and consequences in a sequence of events, suffering or happiness will result as polar ends of the sequence. Not comprehending such chain reactions in its two opposing directions one would struggle in vain while floating up and down in life. Buddha revealed the Four Noble Truths and the Chain of Twelve Causal Links to help us see through the course and the divergent directions. As to how each individual will benefit from such teachings, it is still up to each one's degree of approaching or avoiding, and that of conforming to or deviating from the teachings.
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