秉忱 林鈺堂 持守乏力溝通難,世情大抵順勢為; 跋 欲持守一定準繩,往往力有不逮,人際溝通,受阻於成見及作法,難以交融。世間大抵皆是順應情勢之舉止。少數非癡即狂,熱衷於彼此糾纏,爭鬥不休。更為稀罕,則是志向高潔,唯秉赤忱以處世。
Based on Sincerity Yutang Lin Insufficient strength to sustain, difficult to communicate, Comment: To maintain certain standards it is often the case that available strength is insufficient. Communications among people are difficult to come to terms due to the hindrance of prejudices and manners of approaches. Consequently, worldly affairs are usually done as results of circumstances. Few are deluded or crazy to the extent of being absorbed in incessant fighting that entangles. Rare are pure aspirations upheld by lives based on sincerity.
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