莫攪亂 林鈺堂 著相難出框,自是不見偏; 跋 摘取經句,標榜特異,而論斷諸方為失誤。此類作品出乎著相之成見,不能通融佛理真諦,因此自讚毀他,充滿瞋忿之叱責。 若能通曉佛理,則見諸相紛陳無非同一真如隨緣之變現,又何需如此攪亂人心,更增迷惘?
Not to Stir up Yutang Lin Grasping to concepts makes it difficult to go beyond frames; Comment: Picking sayings here and there from some sutras to justify claims of superiority for certain particular ways, and to judge other approaches as devious or fault-ridden, writings of this kind issue from biased grasping to words and concepts. Due to inability to have a thorough understanding of the essential teachings of Buddhism, such authors indulged in self-righteousness and self-praise, and poured out angry words that are judgmental and critical of others. When the Buddhist teachings are thoroughly comprehended varieties in approaches are seen as natural consequences of evolution of phenomena due to changes in conditions. Essentially all remain in oneness. Why need to stir people's minds up in such a manner as to increase confusion and delusion in the world?
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