如來 林鈺堂 如來如去無來去,日昇日落未曾移; 跋 圓覺不計形相,故無來去可議。著相而論,則如有所來,亦如有所去。因此,「無以名之」之證覺,姑且隨順世間,而以「如來」、「如去」名之。明乎此理,人際聚散亦屬如來如去,不成問題。無我解脫,其樂如是。
As If Come Yutang Lin As if come, as if gone, indeed neither come nor gone. Comment: Complete awakening is free from considerations of forms and appearances, and hence is beyond talks of coming or going. Talking from the formal point of view, there seems to have had arrivals and departures. Therefore, attainment of enlightenment that could not be named, in accordance with worldly practices, is temporarily and inadequately called "As If Come" or "As If Gone." Once this is understood, the coming together and going separate among human relationships could also be seen as "as if come" and "as if gone," and then one would not be bothered by them. Emancipation of selflessness could be so enjoyable.
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