熟練 林鈺堂 簡繁轉換 - 繁體 理解透徹需經歷,見及履至總懸殊; 跋 理解透徹要從經歷中漸漸體會。理論通達與實踐層次之差距,往往懸殊。證悟的契入無從由他人以言詞傳達,而是要靠自己行解相應,長遠行持到達圓熟之際,才霍然貫通的。 Well-trained Yutang Lin Thorough understanding arrived through experiences; Comment: Thorough understanding could be gained only gradually through experiences. Comprehension of theory and levels of actual achievement are often far apart. Realization of awakening could not be communicated through words; it takes long-term practice in one's own coordination of understanding and action until perfect maturity and harmony to achieve sudden unification.
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