強震 林鈺堂 驚傳強震夷村莊,剎那活埋數千人; 跋 阿富汗北部,強震連續數起,已有數千人罹難。設身處地,隨時可能天搖地動,便知日常所習於之懸念不斷,實屬妄執。順此頓然之醒悟而盡捨尚餘之念執。
Strong Quakes Yutang Lin Shocking news broke of quakes flattening villages; Comment: Northern Afghanistan recently had several strong earthquakes that had buried thousands of people. Empathizing with their situation that such calamity could fall upon them at any instant one realizes that the habitual continuous thoughts of daily life are indeed illusive grasping. Following this sudden realization one may renounce completely one remaining grasping to thoughts.
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