咒音 林鈺堂 梵音古音方言音,莫衷一是競標榜; 跋 密咒之發音,應以何為準?近年來有倡梵音者,古音者,或經考據之方言音者。依密法之傳統,需經有傳承之上師親授。弟子只依上師之口音,而不計及其他。 至於已經普遍流傳之咒語,諸如六字大明、大悲咒,佛教徒若尚無機緣得蒙密宗上師傳授,但能信仰尊重,有恆虔持,也可能感得佛佑而發生感應的效果。這是因為法身遍一切時處,只要純粹一心,自然感通,而不為形式所拘。 Pronunciation of Mantras Yutang Lin Sanskrit, ancient or dialectal pronunciation of mantras Comment: How to decide on the standard pronunciation of mantras? In recent years some advocated Sanskrit pronunciation, while others ancient pronunciation or certain dialectal ones in accordance with some archaeological studies. According to tantric traditions mantras should be transmitted by Gurus of proper lineage. Disciples should rely only on the pronunciation of the Guru, and disregard any other considerations. As to mantras that have become well-known to many Buddhists such as the Six-syllable Mantra of Avalokitesvara and the Great Compassion Mantra Buddhists, who have not had the opportunity to receive them from authentic Gurus but have great faith and esteem in them, and have practiced their chanting with devotion and perseverance, could also inspire Buddha's blessing and yield miraculous effects. This is due to the fact that Dharmakaya is omnipresent and eternal, and that whenever the mind is pure it is naturally in oneness with the Dharmakaya, transcending the bondage of formality.
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