無盡流轉 林鈺堂 萬象流轉未稍歇,無盡演變同法界; 跋 萬象不停遷變。在此無從執取、掌控之演變大海中,有執即苦。若能了悟一切皆為法界一體之變現,則高下得失只是一時之現象,由法界之各分子輪流經歷,共同合作演出,而無永久的得失可言。有此領悟,便易安於接受人生的際遇,而常享心地的安和。 Endless Transformation Yutang Lin All phenomena flow and evolve without a pause. Comment: All phenomena are constantly transforming. In this great ocean of transformation there is no way to grasp or control anything; hence grasping means inevitable suffering. If one could comprehend that all phenomena remain transformation of the same Dharmadhatu, then high and low, gain and loss are just transient roles played in turn by individuals and put together by all involved. There is indeed no permanent and ultimate gain or loss. With such understanding it would become easier for one to accept the ups and downs in life, and live with a constant inner peace.
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