餘息 林鈺堂



                     養和齋     於加州

Air Remaining Yutang Lin

Scuba-diving journey hinges on oxygen remaining;
Reaching half the amount left one must turn around.
How many breaths remain for the rest of one’s life?
Treasure one’s intents and energy to nourish Bodhi.


Scuba divers need to remain mindful of the amount of oxygen left. For safe return to the water surface each underwater journey cannot exceed the distance that will use up half of the oxygen. The number of breaths in one’s life is likewise very limited. However, few would be mindful as to how many breaths are still left. When one is over half-a-century old one could not help but to become aware of this matter. Out of treasuring one readily awakes, and would not waste the remaining breaths on things that could not be helped. Instead one just concentrates on cultivation of the great Bodhi mind that is free from partiality.

Written in Chinese on November 27, 2001
Translated on November 28, 2001
El Cerrito, California

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