過度 林鈺堂 熱誠弘法極堪誇,勇猛正行理無差; 跋 學佛者能積極、熱誠弘法,並不多見,故極宜讚歎之。奈何智悲若欠均衡,有時熱誠有餘,考量不足,率爾行事,反而造成自他之困擾與不便。勇猛於自己所見之正行,而忽略了對方之意願及需求,因而形成事端,也是一種我執作障的表現。行持有節,如何方為適當,見仁見智,豈得遽下評斷?提出此點,正足以供我自己反省;但望也能順帶提醒一般學佛者,各自反思。
Overdone Yutang Lin Ardently propagating the Dharma is applaudable. Comment: Not many Buddhists are very active and ardent in propagation of the Dharma; hence, such Buddhists are more than praiseworthy. Nevertheless, due to imbalance of wisdom and compassion, now and then overzealous efforts would yield rush actions that lack proper considerations. Consequently, the situation could become puzzling and inconvenient for many involved. Being vigorous in acting out what one sees as a right move while overlooking the intention and need of the others involved could result in controversies. Then it would constitute a display of self-centeredness. What would constitute proper measure of our actions is a subject that different people hold different views about; how could anyone hastily pronounce a judgment? In bringing out this topic I am using the opportunity to reflect on my own actions; but I also hope that it could serve as a reminder to other practitioners for their own reflection.
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