居功 林鈺堂 簡繁轉換 - 繁體 天災人禍共業繫,病苦橫難各遭逢; 跋 共業所繫之天災人禍,以及個業受報之病苦橫逆,雖可經由祈禱禳解而減輕或消弭,但其中之操持在於佛、菩薩及護法神明,而非修行者。或有宣稱事情之轉變乃基於其功德者,不但不自量其德行,更已忘失「無我」之正見。
Claiming Merits Yutang Lin Catastrophes and disasters are tied to common karmas; Comment: Natural catastrophes and man-made disasters that are tied to common karmas, as well as sufferings of infirmities or accidents that are consequences of individual karmas, all could be reduced or resolved through prayers and Dharma activities. Nevertheless, such blessings are completely up to the power and compassion of Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and Dharma protectors, but not due to the practitioners. Some practitioners or Buddhists would claim that changes in the turn of events were due to their merits. Such claims not only lack scaling of their own virtues but also have deviated from the right view of non-self.
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