亂來 林鈺堂 簡繁轉換 - 繁體 橫行一時好得意,怎奈亂來終不通; 跋 橫行豈止螃蟹,迷失人畜類同。亂來終必墮落,入網豈易出籠?慎哉!惜哉!
Acting against Reason Yutang Lin Acting at will may be self-complacent at one time; Comment: The teachings of Buddhism at times would seem too obvious because they are just statements of matters of fact. Who would not know? Why need to discuss them? For example, teachings on impermanence, the faults of grasping, etc., are all so obvious. Nevertheless, in reality, when people are under the spell of delusions they simply cannot see the facts and realize the truths. Therefore, there is the need for others to fan up the wind of original purity and welcome the presence of wisdom sun so as to blow away the fog of delusion and brighten up the worldly existence.
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