盜法 林鈺堂 簡繁轉換 - 繁體 菩提宣演廣益眾,何妨任人去轉播? 跋 佛法目的在普濟一切。佛法得以傳揚,正符其旨,何以有「盜法」之說?責人盜法,是否存心私藏的表現? 良以正見微妙深奧,不是一般皆能領會,加以證德需經長遠修持方能趨入,而非熟習理論即可通達,因此能夠負荷弘法大任者,需經揀選。更何況世間屢見不自量之冒濫者,妄充教師,及假佛門名相以聚眾營私者,賣法斂財,欺世害人,以盲導迷,造業甚深。因此,不得不講究正法的傳承,希望藉之能保持純正的見解與善良的修行人,以便真正廣益大眾。 事實上,壞人還是照做不誤,好人又不屑爭鬥,結果還是各行其道,自食其果。
Plagiary of Teachings Yutang Lin Exposition of Dharma benefits a wide audience; Comment: The goal of Buddhist teachings is to ultimately benefit all. Spreading of the teachings meets exactly such goal; why is there such a notion of "plagiary of teachings"? In condemning others of such a crime is there a hidden selfish motive? The right view of Dharma is very subtle and profound; it is not the case that any ordinary person could readily comprehend it. Furthermore, realizations can be attained only after long years of devoted practices but not enough to be just familiar with the theories. Therefore, those who will be capable of preaching the Dharma need to be selected and trained. Not to mention the fact that now and again there are pretentious persons who are ignorant of their own limited capacities but rush forward to be teachers. In addition, there are those who in the name of Buddhism are selling teachings and gathering followers to strive toward worldly gains. Such activities are misleading and damaging to great and pitiful extent. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the lineage of correct teachings. Hopefully thereby pure and correct views will be preserved and genuine practitioners will be honored so that the real benefit of the teachings would reach many. In fact, bad persons would still commit plagiary of teachings, and good practitioners would not waste time on arguing with them. Consequently, they walk on separate paths and will reach the fruit of their own choosing.
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