權衡授受 林鈺堂 簡繁轉換 - 繁體 觀機隨緣施教化,恆順眾生真解脫; 跋 佛法之傳授,隨順機緣,適切而不勉強,合乎解脫之真智。學佛者在取捨之間、背從之際,應當兼顧自身能力與道上進展,以取得平衡。莫因只顧及個人的得失、好惡,畫地自限而失去了無限一體的法身。 二○○○年八月十一日 Weighing in Giving and Taking Instructions Yutang Lin Giving instructions according to recipients and situations, Comment: Instruction in the Dharma should be given in accordance with recipients and situations. Thus the teachings are appropriate and not forced upon others, in agreement with the true wisdom of liberation. Between acceptance and rejection, obeying and disobeying, a student of the Dharma should consider both personal ability and progress on the path in order to achieve a balance. Do not pay attention only to personal gains and losses, likes and dislikes, thus setting boundaries for oneself but losing the Dharmakaya of limitless oneness.
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