「無我」觀中泯自他,成證與否何從計? 跋 從「無我」看來,並沒有自我獨立存在,因此也沒有「成佛與否」的問題。所謂「成佛」只是徹底無我的意思。換言之,有「佛」之名,無佛可指。了解上述之理,則修行並不是在乎「我」到了甚麼地步,而只需就心念、言行上的點點滴滴來省察是否合乎「無我」;不順則改之。一般言之,片面之詞,自執其是,自是非他,無可理喻,是「有我」的表現。無有希求、嫌怨,而能容讓、隨和,則順乎「無我」。
Selfless Named "Buddha" Yutang Lin Seeing selfless forgets discrimination; Comment: In the light of selfless no self ever exists independently. Consequently there is no problem of having attained Buddha or not. So called "attaining Buddha" means just thorough selfless. In other words, there is the name "Buddha" but it is without designation. Once the above view is understood, then practice is not concerned with how one has advanced or achieved but only need to reflect on bits and pieces of thoughts and activities to see if they are in accordance with selfless. Those thoughts and activities that are not in agreement with selfless need to be changed. In general, one-sided statements that are insisted on, and asserting one's correctness while denouncing others without resorting to rational arguments are expressions of self-centeredness. Free from demanding and complaining, and remaining tolerant and accommodating are in accordance with selfless.
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