融歸本淨 林鈺堂 簡繁轉換 - 繁體 萬法本淨超思量,個業善惡陷計執; 跋 修習空性定時,當知萬法本來離於善惡、美醜等對立之分辨,而是不可分之一體。一切事物隨因緣聚散而生、住、異、滅,共生互現;沒有絕對的主客之分,而不妨因觀點及立場的歧異,而同時存在種種相對的主客安排。個業隨因緣之發展而顯現因果相當之理,但在還歸空性之觀中,則因無有自我之存在,以致無有所謂「個業」之跡象可尋。在法界整體觀中,一般所謂之個業,如同大海中的浪花,似有波動,而實無來去,只是大海整體一時一景中無可分割之一小點。修習空性定時,重點在回到無限的一體,因此超越個業而不計矣! 禪宗六祖惠能大師嘗曰:「不思善、不思惡,甚麼是闍黎(尊稱對方之出家人)本來面目?」此語可以與前段參看。 一九九九年十二月三日
Merging back into Original Purity Yutang Lin All things are originally pure beyond conceptualization; Comment: While practicing meditation on Blank Essence (Sunyata) one should understand that all things are originally without dualistic discriminations such as good or evil, beauty or ugly, etc., but are in inseparable oneness. As conditions meet or disintegrate all things come into the phases of emerging, abiding, evolving and decaying. All things are mutually dependent and conditionally related. There is no absolute distinction of subject and object. However, due to differences in view and standing, there could simultaneously be various sets of artificial distinction of subject and object. Following the evolution of conditions individual karmas exemplify the correspondence of causes and results. Nevertheless, in the meditation of merging back into Blank Essence there is no self to be found, and consequently no traces of the so-called "individual karma." In the view that encompasses the whole Dharmadhatu (the collection of all things) as one totality the so-called "individual karmas" are like waves in the ocean that seem to move away but in fact stay stationary. Each wave is an inseparable tiny bit of the whole ocean at a particular time and spot. When practicing meditation on Blank Essence, the key is to merge back into limitless-oneness; therefore, one should not be bothered by considerations related to individual karmas. Master Hui Neng, the sixth patriarch of Chan School in China, once said to a monk: "Without considering good, without considering evil, what is your original face?" This remark may be pondered in the light of the preceding paragraph. Written in Chinese and translated on December 3, 1999 [Home][Back to list][Merging back into Original Purity] |