學佛目標在解脫,普願眾生盡歸真; 跋 學佛當認清目標是為求一切眾生之徹底解脫,並時常細檢言行是否合乎此目標。若不如此,極易夾雜世間的想法或陷於著相的格局。真誠學佛,長遠以後對自己及大眾都可以起很大的淨化作用,並且可以藉祈禱救助苦厄中的眾生。這些超出世間想像的利益與著相的努力、世間的認可皆無關。以此偈提醒,願能減少滯迷歧途者。
Recognize Clearly the Goal Yutang Lin The goal of Buddhist practices is to attain emancipation; Comment: To walk on the Buddhist path one should recognize clearly that the goal is to work for the ultimate liberation of all sentient beings. Therefore, from time to time a practitioner should carefully reflect on his own thoughts, speeches and actions to make sure that all are in accordance with this goal. Otherwise, the endeavor could easily be tinted with worldly considerations or become bounded within the framework of mere formality. Earnestly engaging in the pursuit of Enlightenment would, in the long run, greatly purify the practitioner and the public, and furthermore, through praying could help sentient beings in distress and suffering. All such benefits which are beyond worldly imaginations have nothing to do with either worldly recognition or efforts limited by grasping to formality. This gatha is composed to awake practitioners who go astray. May it help reduce the number of deluded roamers.
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