智慧護法普賢佛,堅貞謙下力勝魔; 跋 陳上師教示,二臂大黑天乃普賢王如來所化現之智慧護法,可助修行人證入空性。其形像皆表法︰黑色表堅貞不變,矮小表謙下、順從,健壯表勇猛、大力。也有修行人因為宿世修此尊為本尊,而今生感得身材矮小,心地則堅實為法。
Praise to Two-arm Mahakala Yutang Lin Wisdom protector originated from Adi-Buddha, Comment: Guru Chen taught that Two-arm Mahakala is an incarnation of the Adi-Buddha. As a wisdom protector he can help practitioners realize Sunyata. The significance of his attributes are as follows: black color represents immovable loyalty, short and small size signifies humbleness and obedience, muscular body implies valor and strength. Some practitioners who had practiced this deity as Yidam in past lives would born as short and small, with mind firmly dedicated to the Dharma.
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