同年一月廿九日(大年初二),家父因誤食野生植物(台語叫「過貓」)而劇烈嘔吐;吐出物中混著鮮血,狀甚嚇人。然因年假期間,醫院只提供緊急處理及簡單藥物;雖不再嘔血,卻無法有效紓解腹痛。在情況不明之下,只能在家憂心忡忡地等待年後作較詳細的檢查。但家父仍竟日腹絞不止。二月一日夜裡輾轉難眠之餘,唯有一心持誦觀音聖號,好不容易在朦朧入睡之際,竟夢見一人拿來食物,要家父服下,並告家父曰:「你都好了啦!」。家父旋即驚醒,確感腹中不適全消;搖醒家母告知此夢及病況後,隨即呼呼大睡。隔日到醫院正式診療,醫生告知除輕微胃炎外,並無大礙。 信仰能安定人心,而觀世音菩薩的名號更為世人所普遍熟識。然而,菩薩悲願深遠宏大,除給予信心外,尚緩病痛、紓急難。此若非親身經歷,很難令對醫療科技深信不疑的現代人相信。我們一家人何其有幸,先後得菩薩護佑,特為此記,願使更多人共體佛、菩薩之妙法。 此次家父母數度病急,承林鈺堂博士在美國多次祈禱迴向,使我們全家能步出陰霾,謹向林博士致萬分謝意。
小跋 曾居士平日深居簡出,投入於念佛、靜坐及《金剛經》之持誦,又熱心佛法之服務及佛書、佛像之寄贈。因此在急難關頭,易於感得菩薩之特殊加被。願見聞此記的人,都能增長對佛陀及佛法的信心,而努力於實修。
Inspirational Record of the Holy Name of Guan YinZeng Minyi On January 29 in the same year (second day in Chinese New Year), my father vomited severely after he had eaten some wild plants by mistake; the stuff he threw up was mixed with fresh blood, a scary scene indeed. However, since it was during New Year holidays, the hospital provided only emergency treatment and simple medication. Though he stopped vomiting blood, the treatment could not effectively relieve his abdominal pain. The pain lasted throughout the day and my father was worried, but he could only wait until the public holiday was over for a detailed examination to clarify his internal situation. In the night of February 1, he could not fall asleep in bed, so he concentrated on chanting the holy name of Guan Yin. When he gradually fell asleep with much difficulty, he dreamed of a person that came with some food for him to eat, then that person told my father, "You are already cured!" My father woke up immediately and indeed the abdominal discomfort disappeared completely. He woke my mother up to tell her about the dream and his condition, and right away fell sound asleep. The day after, when he went to the hospital for a proper treatment, the doctor said there were nothing serious other than a minor gastritis. Religious belief can pacify people's mind. The name of Bodhisattva Guan Shi Yin is especially well known to people in the world. Nevertheless, the compassionate vows of this Bodhisattva are so vast that, besides providing faith and comfort, He would relieve sufferings from illnesses and urgent calamities. Without any direct experience, it would be difficult for modern-day people who have deep-seated trust in medical technology to believe in such supernatural possibilities. Our family is so fortunate to have been cared and protected by the Bodhisattva, hence we recorded it with the hope that more people will experience the wondrous Dharma of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. These few times when my parents' illnesses turned critical, we were blessed by repeated prayers of Dr. Yutang Lin in USA, and consequently our family could eventually walk out of the clouds of misery. Here we would like to express our sincere gratitude to Dr. Lin. EpilogueUpasaka Zeng lives a simple life and is devoted to chanting Amitabha, meditation and recitation of the Diamond Sutra. He is also keen on services to the Buddha Dharma and mailing out Buddhist books and images for free. Therefore, at the juncture of grave emergency, it is easier for him to inspire special blessings from the Bodhisattva. May all that have read this record will increase their faith in Buddha and the Dharma and hence would practice diligently.
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