「施無畏相」緣起簡繁轉換 - 繁體林鈺堂
今晨醒前夢見攝影師為我拍照,我右手作「施無畏印」。同時見到夢境之外,左側有全金之韋馱將軍塑像,青年英挺,雄姿煥發,全身盔甲鮮明,如人身高度,右手持細長之金棒,長度如音樂家之指揮棒,粗細則為其三倍。 醒來細思其中含義,解為要我流通「施無畏相」,普濟各地因冤鬼滋擾而不得安寧者及處所,而冥冥中助此「無畏施」者即婆心悲切之 韋馱大菩薩。彼手持細棒,則為調教冤鬼之用。自省我為人解此類難關,完全義務,而且體貼對方困境,不斷掛心祈禱,隨時通報感應所見,並教以處理方式之要點,因此感動護法,助我以相普施救濟。 前此流通之「南無阿彌陀佛」聖號符,供燒化以超渡亡靈。普施以來,感應之回報經常傳來,遠及台灣、大陸、馬來西亞及美國多州。願淨信有緣得此者,將此「施無畏相」安於宅第,或配於身上,必可蒙 韋馱菩薩之賜助,早得安寧。加上彌陀聖號符之燒化,使滋事之冤鬼亦因佛慈加被,得以往生極樂世界或轉生善道。如此存亡兼安,不亦善哉,不亦善哉!
The Photo of the Giving of FearlessnessYutang LinIn early December of 1994 I received two requests for help from some Buddhists in San Jose area. The first one was for me to pray for peace to return to a haunted house. I performed Powa to help the ghost to gain rebirth in Buddha Pureland. Afterwards there were no longer recurrences of strange phenomena in that house. The second one was to pray for a lady haunted by a ghost. After I performed Powa for the ghost, her situation turned slightly better. Next morning in a dream I heard my doorbell rang. I opened the door and saw her in purple clothing standing outside the screening door. After I woke up I phoned her husband and suggested that he should make some ritual offerings to the Dragon King to beseech supernatural help. Her husband followed my advice. Then in meditation I saw her appeared healthy with the face round. That night I phoned her husband and indeed her condition had greatly improved. I told them to take good rest in order to recover from this ordeal. This morning before I woke up I saw in a dream a photographer taking a picture of me, and I was making the gesture of the Giving of Fearlessness with my right hand. Simultaneously I saw outside the dream sphere on the left side there is a gold statue of Bodhisattva General Wei Tuo. He appeared young and handsome, grandeur and full of vigor, and was completely clad in shining armor. He was of human height with a slender gold rod in his right hand. The length of the rod is about that of a music conductor baton but three times thicker. After I woke up I pondered on the significance of this inspiration. I interpreted it as an instruction for me to distribute copies of the photo of Giving of Fearlessness. Thereby places and people haunted by ghosts could receive relief through the blessings of the Bodhisattva General Wei Tuo. The slender rod, instead of his regular weapon, is for goading the ghosts. In helping others through this kind of difficulties, I always provide voluntary service. I keep their predicament in mind and constantly pray for them. When I notice something through inspiration I would notify people and give advice on how best to deal with it. I believe that it is this kind of compassionate service that had moved the great protector to helping me with this extraordinary blessing. A while back I distributed copies of a Holy Name sheet that has“Namo Amitabha Buddha” in Chinese written by me on it. It is for burning to transmit Amitabha Buddha blessings to deceased beings. Since its distribution to the public many inspirational events have been reported back to me. The feedback comes from Taiwan, China, Malaysia and many places in USA. May people who come across this photo and have faith in it put it in their residence, in their vehicle, or carry it with them. Thereby they will surely receive the blessing of Bodhisattva General Wei Tuo and soon attain peace. With additional help obtained through the burning of the Holy Name sheets, the haunting ghosts would also be saved by Buddha grace and gain rebirth in Buddha Pureland or one of the better realms. Thus both the living and the dead are in peace. Isn it nice indeed! The above was written in Chinese on December 15, 1994. Now I translate it into English so that it may also be distributed at Yogi Chen Homepage. Hereby I give permission so that people who download this photo may obtain blessing through using its printouts. December 24, 1999El Cerrito, California -----Original Message----- This photo is very effective in providing protection from disturbances by ghosts. We had distributed it in the thousands and reprinted it for
many, many times. You can print a wallet size one for people to carry it on their body, or a larger one for displaying in a room or worshiping on an altar. It is attached for your conveniences.
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