法印四枚 Four Dharma Seals 林鈺堂 圓融無礙 遷就包容 如露電憶 法脈綿延
我在有了上列的構想之後,弟子海涵便傳來數枚印材的相片供我挑選。其中一枚印材,白淨橢圓,令我想起,可供刻「法脈綿延」來祈禱諸佛加被。我還想到,這四字要全都用朱文,以表示慧命血脈連續不斷。 後來,他又多寄了一枚印材,我就想起,剛刻過「夢幻泡影」,可加刻「如露電憶」以圓滿我提過的「七如」。見拙作〈如憶〉:f2162_E0176.html 蒙佛友廉作林先生於便時篆刻,以他的巧思及功力,作出前列的美妙印章。其中「法脈綿延」印,輕柔流暢,令人感受慈悲綿延的味道;實為難得之作!而「圓融無礙」印,僅以一字之形即得表達一詞之內涵,也可算是印文之創舉吧。 法印將佛法的精髓以美妙的形態帶給世人,功德無量!謹以此作,將法印與大眾分享,做為對作林先生的感恩之舉。 二○一九年四月三日 養和齋 於加州
Four Dharma Seals Yutang Lin
In February I thought of designing ideas for two Dharma seals, so I asked disciple Hai Han to look for seal stones suitable for the topics. He generously sent four seal stones to me. Hence, I thought of two more Dharma phrases for the carving. The original two phrases are: But in the Chinese language, I thought of a way to express ″Harmonious union without hindrance″ through the shape of only one of the four characters in this phrase. The result, as designed by Mr. Lian, is the seal ″United″ displayed above. Since not long ago we have a Dharma seal carved covering four of the six similes: dreams, illusions, bubbles, shadows; see a0353_pa0353.html. I came up with the idea for the seal ″As dew lightning memory″ so as to complete the ″seven similes″ as offered in my work ″As Memories″; see f2162_E0176.html I asked Dharma friend Mr. Zuo Lin Lian to carve them at his conveniences. Thanks to his ingenuity and mastery of the seal carving art, the four beautiful Dharma seals can be displayed online to share with all. The merits accrued through this is immeasurable. And I share these online with all as a token of my gratitude to Mr. Lian.
April 3, 2019
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