猶太人貧民窟超幽 今早在前往猶太人貧民窟的路上,下起了數分鐘的綿綿細雨,於是上師便在貧民窟英雄廣場的一間小屋簷下修頗瓦。這是二戰期間納粹德軍將猶太人驅趕到此貧民窟以囚禁他們,而聽說囚禁在此貧民窟的猶太人被德軍以極殘酷的方式虐待致死。 當年無數的猶太人被囚禁在此等待接受處理時,都被集中在一處(也就是現在的紀念廣場);由於人數太多,大家都是站著擠在一起,沒有食物,沒有水喝,無法坐下或躺下休息,只能站著等待被處理,也因此而有許多人體力不支,就這樣地站死了。 為了紀念這些猶太人的悲慘遭遇,有一位波蘭藝術家就設計在這個廣場上散佈了大大小小的木椅,來表示給予他們休息和安慰。 願所有亡靈早日得渡!
Powa Service at Jewish Ghetto This morning on the way to Jewish Ghetto, there were light drizzles, therefore Guru performed Powa under the roof of a small hut on one side of the Ghetto's Heros' Square. This is the place where Jewish people were jailed by the Nazi Germany during World War II, and we heard that those Jewish people incarcerated here were tortured till death by German soldiers. When Jewish people imprisoned here were waiting to be processed, they were all gathered in one place (at the site of the memorial square now); due to the huge number of Jews captured, they were forced to stand and crowd together without food and water, and with no place to sit or lie down to rest. Due to the long periods of standing in waiting, some died in exhaustion. To commemorate the dreadful fate of these Jewish people, a Polish artist designed and put some wooden chairs in different sizes all over this square to signify offering of rest and comfort to them. May all deceased beings get the salvation through Dharma the soonest!
On June 21, 2014 after Guru performed Powa here
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