傳承標誌的構思:應弟子智宣的提議,林博士親為傳承標誌提供構思圖。My Idea of a Logo for our Lineage200701109----- Original Message ----- As suggested by disciple Zhi Xuan, we are going to create a logo for our lineage. Already I had a good logo in mind, and drew a sketch to described it.
See the attached jpg file. On top of a lotus, signifying renunciation of worldly entanglements, there is a sun disc on top of a moon disc, signifying wisdom and compassion in union as the basis. Above this is a large blue Bodhicitta, and the shape is like that of a drip or a candle flame. It is the Dharmakaya Bodhicitta. Its top is not closed to signify that it is boundless. Inside this large Bodhicitta, there is a small white bodhicitta shape above and a small red bodhicitta shape below. They represent respectively the white bodhi, skillful means to help sentient beings, and the red bodhi, wisdom to yield skillful means. Two dragons, representing Dragon King and Queen, are moving in the clockwise direction. This signifies that they are in endless pursuit of joy and continue to protect the lineage. In this logo, Adi Buddha father-and-mother in union, wisdom and compassion of Manjusri and Guan Yin, and protectors such as Dragon King and Queen's efforts, are all symbolically gathered. And the Tantric Love practice is also hinted at by the presence of white and red bodhis. I hope that disciple Wang Hao will follow these ideas and come up with a detailed drawing in the future. No hurry.
Yutang Logo for our Lineage ----- Original Message ----- Disciple Zhi Xuan suggested below that we create a logo for our lineage and ask Wang Hao to design it. He also asked for my calligraphy in Chinese on Dragon, Love and the Dharma Lineage of Adi Buddha Mandala. I will do so tomorrow morning. From: zhixuan zhang 南無金剛蓮華佛! 敬愛的師佛,很高興看到《上師金觀音唐卡》裝框供奉的照片,這是傳承的大事,也是法脈的至寶,更是後世無量學人的皈依致敬處! 弟子昨晚一度失眠,原因是川明為感冒所困,難受不安,十分可憐。在沒有入眠時,弟子思考了很多,想到 師佛的種種殊勝功德,實在是末法時期佛門難得的至尊善知識!繼而又想到 師佛蓮下諸位大德同修,眾志成城,人才濟濟!真是令人越想越高興,越想越快樂!! 於是弟子有了一個想法:每個傳承均有屬於自己的法脈標幟( Logo )。我們傳承現在已經正式命名為《普賢王如來壇城法脈》,也有了 根本上師的報身佛相唐卡供大家頂禮供養,同時也有了作為一支法脈不可或缺的薈供儀軌《養和濟眾加持甘露雨——信心開敷之白蓮花》供本傳承金剛兄弟姐妹修持,現在就缺一個傳承標幟了。因此弟子提請 師佛恩准,由 師佛提出指導意見,然後又弟子們集思廣益,齊心協力完成一個屬於本傳承的標幟。相信今後將有許多地方都用得上這個重要的標幟! 弟子想了一下,最佳人選當首推北京王浩師兄,王兄才思俊逸,穩重和善,虔誠修行,眾所欽佩,且一專多能,英姿勃發,故此當主其事。叩請 我佛聖示! 此外,弟子想叩請 恩師慈悲,賜下「龍」、「愛」、「普賢王如來壇城法脈」三副墨寶。其中,請 師佛寫下法脈名稱,是為了對法脈及所有後來學人表示加持,也適用於法脈標幟之創作;「龍」字,是為了表達對傳承護法的尊敬與感謝;「愛」字,是表示上師及諸佛、菩薩對眾生無限之大愛。 恭祈 師佛佛母及諸佛子佛體安康,吉祥如意,永久住世利樂有情!!! [Home][Back to list][Chinese and English versions in one file] [Related works: 法脈標誌繪製略記、普賢王如來壇城法脈標幟、法脈標誌定稿] |