Pregare per l'interdipendenza

Yutang Lin

Gli ostacoli karmici sono insondabili;
Le preghiere potrebbero ricadere facilmente sugli interessi personali.
Il guidare verso il risveglio deve essere equo;
Si prega ugualmente per tutte le parti per raggiungere l'apertura.


Gli affari mondani ci legano e ci lasciano senza fiato; il regno umano ha molta sofferenza. Quelli che vennero in aiuto attraverso la preghiera spesso si posero su interessi personali. Per la guida generosa sul percorso del risveglio tutti sono visti come unicit? in egual misura. Senza considerazioni sul tipo di relazione o di parzialit?, offre il suo aiuto compassionevole nell'empatia. Egli solamente desidera che le questioni si risolvano soddisfacentemente per tutte le singole parti, e che tutti vengano coinvolti ad imparare a vivere con una mente aperta.

Scritto in cinese e tradotto in inglese il 18 Agosto 2003 El Cerrito, California


Praying for All Involved

Yutang Lin

Karmic entanglements are unfathomable;
Prayers could easily fall for self-interests.
Guiding toward awakening has to be fair;
All sides are equally prayed for openness.


Worldly affairs are winding and knotted; human realm has much suffering.
Those who came for help through prayer often leaned on self-interests.
Giving guidance on the path of awakening, all are viewed equally as in oneness. Without consideration of relationship or sides, provide compassionate help in empathy. Only wish that matters will end up satisfactorily to all sides, and all involved will learn to live with an open mind.

Written in Chinese and translated on August 18, 2003 El Cerrito, Ca

From: Yutang Lin
Sent: Thursday, September 17, 2009 6:19 PM
To: Dharma Friends
Subject: FW: Italian Translation - Praying for All Involved

Our Dharma friend Giuseppe had already sent in his second translation.
It seems that he is working on works that he likes, and that is very nice.

Since most people on my list do not know Italian, I will not send his works to people on my list from now on.
However, I will keep all his works and ask Detong to post them at a special section for Italian versions at our websites.

Giuseppe, continue the good efforts and may you enjoy blessings from Buddhas through this Dharma service! I have put you on my email list so from now on you will receive my works and reports on Dharma activities directly. But keep my email address to yourself.

May all beings attain Enlightenment soon!


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