法雨點滴   林鈺堂       簡繁轉換 - 繁體




體會到心地之亂 無從靜下來


得回應:心無罣礙 法亦本空
道理上是更高明 應無所住
只能勸以依法得脫 依法得閒


舉手投足皆是欠缺考慮 無知幼稚
看不慣 愛之切 就一再叮嚀牽引
修行的人 與其強化己見 不如省悟放下
與其作個成人 不如回歸嬰兒來接近本淨


難免因失誤而造業 反而成了自己修行上的障礙
不如多觀察 再思索
假以時日或經過交流溝通 而增進了自己對因緣的了解


                     養和齋    於加州



Drips of Dharma Shower

Yutang Lin


1.     Cultivate Oneself First


A disciple tried a brief retreat and then

Realized that mind is in turbulence and no way to calm down

We as Buddhists often claim the wish to save all sentient beings

Indeed, most of us lack the ability to save even oneself

Hence, a solid path is, for the sake of saving all beings,

One must first cultivate oneself well on the path


2.     Need to Rely on Dharma


After I wrote ″Leisure in Dharma″

Got response: Mind free from hindrances; Dharma also originally selfless

In theory the latter is better; mind should abide nowhere

In fact, to the multitude who settles mind everywhere

One could only advice on relying on Dharma to get liberation and leisure

In the worldly realm how many, whose mind is free from hindrances, can be found


3.     See No Good


In the eyes of adults

A baby’s behaviors are no good

Whatever action taken are lack of considerations, ignorant and naïve

Couldn’t stand it, out of deep affection, constantly scolding and pulling

In fact, each one’s views are self-set frames and cages

Buddha’s realm is yet limitless oneness of all

For a Dharma practitioner, rather than stiffening one’s views

one had better reflect, comprehend and let go

Rather than remaining an adult

One had better return to the state of a baby so as to approach original purity


4.     Blame Others Later


Criticizing others does not enable one to advance on the Dharma path

Only relying on limited personal views to judge others as such and such

Could not avoid creating karma due to mistakes thus committed

And consequently building hindrances on one’s practice path

One had better observe more and ponder further

Maybe variations in other’s handling of certain matters are

due to differences in experiences and in ways of thinking

Given more time in days, months or years

Or through communications and discussions

One may gain more understanding of causal relations in matters in the world



Written in Chinese and translated into English on July 12, 2016

El Cerrito, California



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