開刀後無痛 林鈺堂簡繁轉換 - 繁體
順德開刀打鋼釘,手術成功且無痛; 跋 弟子順德右大腿骨折,住院開刀打鋼釘,手術極為成功。全身麻醉一過即意識清楚。此種手術之後,有的病人昏迷一、二日,並且許多都使用嗎啡以止痛。醫院之醫師及護士們都說,從來沒有人在此種開刀後不痛的。結果,大出所有人之意料,順德居然完全不痛。並且在夢中見到多種葡萄,以紅色居多,大吃一頓。弟子心平為他解夢說:「因為上師有菩提心,所以佛、菩薩賜您代表菩提心的葡萄,加持您免痛早癒。」弟子風和認為此乃極殊勝難得之感應,特請我記載公布,讓大眾知道佛力加被之不可思議。
No Pain after Operation
Yutang Lin
Shun De was operated on to insert steel nails, Comments: Disciple Shun De broke his right upper leg, so he was hospitalized and operated on to insert steel nails. The operation was very successful. As soon as the full anesthesia was over he was fully conscious. After this kind of operation some patients remain unconscious for one or two days, and many use morphine to relieve the subsequent pain. Both the surgeon and the nurses said there has never been anyone who has no pain after this kind of operation. And yet, to the surprise of everybody there, Shun De has no pain afterwards. Furthermore, at night in a dream he saw many grapes, mostly red ones, and ate a lot of them. Disciple Xin Ping interpreted the dream for him, saying: "Since our Guru has Bodhicitta, so Buddha and Bodhisattvas granted you grapes that symbolize Bodhicitta as their blessing to help you attain no pain and speedy recovery." Disciple Feng He recognized this inspirational incident as extremely superior and rare, so he asked me to write it down for all to share and realize that Buddha's blessing is truly inconceivable.Amendment:
Written in Chinese and translated on November 4, 2011 |