妙音佛母讚 林鈺堂簡繁轉換 - 繁體
妙音源本寂 辯才顯智深
Praise to Wondrous Sound Mother Buddha
Yutang Lin
Wondrous sounds emerged from original silence Comments: Disciple Ben Ji (Original Silence) requested me to compose a praise to this Mother Buddha, and hence it was done accordingly. Wondrous sounds emerged from Dharmakaya, and hence the expression, "emerged from original silence." Another epithet for this Mother Buddha is "Goddess of Debates," and hence I mentioned that through her abilities in debating her profound wisdom revealed. In Buddhist Tantra she is recognized as the consort of Manjusri; and her merits may be recognized through the Dharma activities of her transformation, Yeshe Tsogyal. Some remarked that if one practices only teachings associated with this Mother Buddha, then it could become unavoidable that one will be lacking in material supports. And yet I firmly believe that "With clarity of mind all good fortune will naturally gather"—If one's wisdom has become germinated, and one's mind abides in clarity, then all sorts of good fortune will naturally gather together. The musical instrument, as played by this Mother Buddha, has thousand strings, and hence it could spread wondrous sounds and Dharma sounds everywhere in the Dharmadhatu forever.Written in Chinese and translated on September 21, 2011 [Home][Back to list][Praise to Wondrous Sound Mother Buddha]