度母的智慧 林鈺堂簡繁轉換 - 繁體
觀音悲淚所化現 度母乃慈悲之精華 佛法證德應智悲圓融一體 度母之智慧又何在
為救度眾生之種種苦難 應機而示現二十一度母 天災人禍乃至身心業障 無不對治救護 乃至培福養慧 於此無盡慈悲所行之無量方便 即是空性智慧之具體應用呈現
經云 方便即究竟 良以無盡渡生方便之開展運行 即究竟證德之終極事業
佛子念念持度母咒之際 應了然此即智悲圓融之究竟
養和齋 於加州
Wisdom of Tara
Yutang Lin
Born of Guan Yin's compassionate tears
Tara is the Essence of Compassion
Buddhist attainment should be the harmonious union
Of Wisdom and
Compassion in oneness
Where, then, is Wisdom of Tara to be found
In order to liberate sentient beings from
All sorts of
suffering and hardship
Appearing according to situations of need
are twenty-one Taras
From natural calamities, man-caused catastrophes
To physical and mental karmic hindrances
is left unattended and none unprotected
And even help accumulate merits and cultivate
In the innumerable skillful ways of salvation
of boundless and endless Compassion
Lie apparent displays of concrete applications of
Wisdom of Sunyata
Some Sutra says
means are ultimate
Because expansion and operation of boundless
skillful means for salvation
Is the ultimate career of ultimate attainment of
Full Enlightenment
While a Dharma practitioner is repeating Tara's
From thought to thought
It should be well comprehended that in this
Lies the ultimate harmonious union of Wisdom and
Written in Chinese and translated on February 18,
El Cerrito, California
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