修謙虛 林鈺堂 簡繁轉換 - 繁體

靈明圓通 自然成解
開明公正 方能成平
滴水穿石 成岩秀麗
精進不懈 以晉成果
解行圓融 瑜伽成就


                     養和齋     於加州

Practicing Being Humble Yutang Lin

With self in mind
Humbleness inevitably has a bottom line
As situation encountered and feelings arise
Inadvertently there emerges
Behavior of self-righteousness

Practicing Dharma
One needs to exert efforts on "being selfless"
As matters arise and thoughts emerge
Reflect on being "selflessly humble"
In other words
Not to forget how insignificant one is in the Dharmadhatu
And hence capable of being thoroughly humble and free from insistence

Written in Chinese and translated on May 10, 2010
El Cerrito, California

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