地藏隆恩 林鈺堂 簡繁轉換 - 繁體 發心朝禮九華山,地藏卷軸同日臨; 跋 今年亞洲弘法之行,預計朝禮地藏聖地九華山。先抵台北即有不知情之弟子治斌轉贈白蘭女士所敬繪之地藏聖像。而白蘭向來多繪觀音聖像,在完全不知情之情況下,忽然繪此以贈治斌。此張宣紙即交弟子喜文在台北裝裱成卷軸,而完成之畫軸寄抵台北弟子放心住處之日,恰逢我安抵九華山之時。 在九華山「古拜經臺」朝禮地藏玉像後,步下僅十餘級之台階。忽然在前一階落下一片屋瓦,裂成兩塊,而當時並無風雨,朗朗晴空。我即吩咐身邊之弟子疾呼拾起,以免傷及他人。隨即領悟,此乃地藏隆恩,以代遮風雨之瓦片賜贈,命吾等當充任佛、菩薩正法在世間之屏障,不為世俗八風淫雨所侵蝕。後來亦有弟子提出,此乃「頗瓦」(頗瓦法別稱)之兆。而我在此處,以及所曾朝禮之峨嵋、五台、雞足、普陀聖地,皆修頗瓦法矣! 此次蒙地藏菩薩感應恩賜之聖像,已懸掛一入門之壁上,以渡來訪眾。兩片屋瓦則安於佛堂木雕金漆之地藏聖像兩側,以加持參拜者。謹此銘記殊勝感應之隆恩,以勸化大眾,同因一心信受正法,共享法益。
2009/8/15 Yutang Lin The two pieces of tile mentioned in poem1406 can be seen, right in front of
High Grace of Bodhisattva Earth Treasure Yutang Lin Extensively gathering names of deceased is ultimately limited Comments: A few disciples and Dharma friends regularly sent me lists of names of deceased or ill-fated ones, which were gathered extensively through many kinds of media, to request for my Powa service or prayers. I suggested to them to add at the end of their lists: All beings in the Dharmadhatu waiting for salvation. Names on any given list is bound to be limited in number, and yet with the addition of this one item, then none of the beings in the Dharmadhatu waiting for salvation will be left out. The cycloramic view and mind embracing the whole Dharmadhatu could sublimate our very limited practices and endeavors so that they would merge into the great ocean of salvation activities born of the boundless compassion and mercy of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, and then produce incomprehensible salvation functions. Here I solemnly offered this suggestion to all, with the hope that people who learned about this would follow suit and thus resulting in more beings receiving Buddhas' salvation.
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