共修感應 林鈺堂 簡繁轉換 - 繁體 法脈徒眾共修際,明點瑞兆不停現; 跋 古晉之弟子眾近來於陰曆每月之四供日(初十、十五、廿五及廿九)皆聚會於我在當地曾暫住十日之關房,共修供養及讚頌。在共修前所照之相片,並無異狀。共修時及其後所照之相片,則經常發現「明點」──圓光處處。而且其中不乏極大而望之令人思及密宗之壇城圖像者。日前逢十五,其中一明點,在夜空中,明亮猶如月,更是不可思議至極。(見此文附圖)。 自從我三年前開始去中國各處佛教聖地朝禮以來,吾人所攝相片中不斷出現明點,並且皆與法務活動相關。可以斷言,是佛、菩薩加持之瑞徵。現在法脈弟子眾之共修會,亦不斷感得此種瑞相,足見傳承之加持絕非虛言。願此等記錄激勵信眾,咸知皈依及共修之利益,而能在佛法正道上邁進,早得證果! 應弟子疾呼之請而作
bright circles Inspiration from Group Practices Yutang Lin While Dharma lineage disciples practiced in assembly Comments: Recently disciples in Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia gathered regularly on the Four Offering Days, i.e., the tenth, fifteenth, twenty-fifth and twenty-ninth of each lunar month to practice making offerings and reciting praises together in the retreat hut where I lived for ten days during my last visit there. Photos taken before the group practices showed nothing out of the ordinary. And yet photos taken during the group practices or right after them often displayed bright circles here and there. Some of those bright circles were large in size and reminded us of Tantric images of a deity's mandala. A few days ago it was a lunar fifteenth, and one bright circle in the night sky was as bright as the moon; such an appearance was indeed extremely inconceivable. (See image file attached to this article.) Ever since three years ago when I started to make pilgrimage trips to Buddhist holy sites in China photos taken by us often displayed bright circles, and all those photos were related to our Dharma activities. We can conclude that such bright circles are auspicious signs of blessings from Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. Now the assembly of our Dharma lineage disciples also continued to inspire the surfacing of such auspicious signs. We can clearly see from all such signs that our Dharma lineage's blessing is indeed not just vacuous words. May this kind of records encourage the faithful ones so that they all know the advantages of taking refuge and practicing in assemblies, and thereby become able to advance rapidly on the right path of Dharma and attain fruits of Buddhahood sooner!
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