突如其來 無從防範 摧房倒牆在瞬間
Supplication to Savior of Earth Calamities Tara ----- Original Message ----- I had also translated them into English; see poems 1304 and 1305 attached. In my next email to you all I will provide my calligraphy of these two poems in Chinese and the mantra of this holy Tara. May all victims of earthquakes soon receive the blessing of this Tara! May all beings attain Enlightenment soon! Yutang -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: zhixuan zhang 叩謝 上師的慈恩,這個作品將使許多仍在地震餘悸中煎熬的眾生得到安穩與救護! 另外,可否叩請 上師書寫救地災度母的心咒給所有弟子及信眾受持呢? 恭祈 師佛佛母及諸佛子佛體安康,吉祥如意,永久住世利樂有情!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yutang Lin 寫道: Zhi Xuan, I had composed the stanzas already; see attached file. I will do calligraphy next. May all beings attain Enlightenment soon! Yutang -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: zhixuan zhang 南無金剛蓮華佛! 弟子誠懇請求 上師為娑婆世界所有地區得到救地災度母加持,平息所有地震災害而祈造並書寫《救地災度母祈請頌、讚及心咒》。 恭祈 師佛佛母及諸佛子佛體安康,吉祥如意,永久住世利樂有情!!! Supplication to Savior of Earth Calamities Tara Yutang Lin Occurred all of a sudden, no way to prevent or prepare, crushed houses and fell walls at a blink Sentient beings fragile and endangered, either dead or wounded, protections all disappeared in an instant Guiding deceased beings to rest and cultivate in Buddha's Pureland, sole refuge after the calamity is Tara Stopping pains and healing wounds, calming minds and rebuilding community, resumption of security and happiness relies on your merciful kindness
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