耶穌肋骨十三切項鍊 林鈺堂 簡繁轉換 - 繁體 今晨六點三十分醒前,於夢中蒙 綠度母賜一白色骨質項鍊,如圖:
(此處為顯示肋骨八節,而使該部分特大,實際上只有約一小指長度,而其上下皆較長大。)並囑余曰:「這是耶穌肋骨十三切項鍊,故意刻成刀片向上反切之形,表示不只是切眾生,也切耶穌,你帶回去。」余仔細觀察肋骨部位良久,並數而知道是八節,有些節又刻成數層,故謂「十三切」(大概一共十三,未及計之)。肋骨部位,每一節的兩側都是可以活動的。下面幾節的背部刻成像昆蟲的腳。 醒後思索其義,方知此乃度母恩賜以佛法圓攝其他主要宗教之道理。其他宗教以上帝為主宰,眾生則因罪而受苦。但是上帝之救贖則經由耶穌之受難,可見依舊不離因緣法則。上帝行事仍循因緣,由佛法明示之理觀之,則上帝亦「無我」矣!佛法明示之因緣,實已在他教中隱喻;故知因緣即統合眾教之根本法則,亦即「無我」乃唯一之真理。(眾生因罪受苦,是度母所謂「切眾生」;耶穌乃天子因救贖蒙難,是度母所謂「向上反切,切耶穌」。至於由余闡明此中奧義大旨,弘揚於世間,即度母所謂「你帶回去」。) 綠度母如斯大恩之咐囑,恰於家母九二壽誕賜下,念母恩與念度母恩,圓不可分。謹以此文為慈母賀壽,願福壽康寧,長久垂顧。
二○○八年四月九日 附記 在三月二十九日(星期六)下午,我接到沙巴譚文信師兄之電話,他告訴我說:「今晚七時十五分,將與加拿大梁燕成博士在詩巫董聯會禮堂擧行宗教對話。此活動是由詩巫衛理神學院主辦,而題目為『基督教與佛教對話』;內容是『救恩的途徑及其終極目的』,是時將各有兩百位基督徒及佛教徒出席此項盛會。」而他之前原本是打算叫我請林上師加持他,但卻又不好意思因此小事而打擾上師。如今他轉請我祝福他。只是這時我已無法代通知上師——因時間上之差異,此時美國已是夜晚了。其實,在電話裡頭,我了解到譚師兄是希望整個宗教對話過程不會起衝突及爭論,然而,卻可以在和諧、圓滿的氣氛下,達致雙方彼此的認同、諒解和尊敬。 於是六時左右,我隨順因緣而修習林上師審訂之〈綠度母法門日修簡法〉及念誦〈綠度母心咒〉,祈求聖救度母及尊貴的林上師,給他智慧,願他能順利、圓滿地完成此項神聖的任務。隔天他向我道謝,我微笑地回答:「我沒有做什麼,這是綠度母和上師的功德加持您!」 沒想到在四月十日時,林上師也寫出了〈耶穌肋骨十三切項鍊〉之感應文章,並咐囑我以此文做為《念度母恩》一書之代序。 ——我尋思良久,這一切足徵冥冥中確有佛祐呢!
Necklace of Thirteen Cuts of Jesus' Ribs Yutang Lin This morning right before I woke up at 6:30 in a dream Green Tara bestowed on me a necklace made of white bones. It is in the shape of a man's neck ornament that has two ends of a string held together by an ornament, but the string consisted of polished rectangular bones with rounded edges strung together, and the ornamental part is in the shape of a rib cage and about the length of a small finger. And Tara said to me, "This is the necklace of thirteen cuts of Jesus' ribs. It was intentionally carved in the shape of a blade with its cutting edge turning upward to signify that it is not only to cut sentient beings but also to cut Jesus. You bring it back (to the world)." I carefully examined the necklace for a long while, and counted to know that it had eight sections, and some sections were carved into several layers, so it was called "thirteen cuts" (although I did not count the number of layers, I figured that was the reason for the name). The two sides of each pair of ribs seemed to be movable, and the back sides of the lower sections were carved into shapes of insect legs. After I woke up I ponder over the significance of such a bestowal, and then I realized that it was Tara's blessed teaching on how to unify all major religions into Buddha Dharma in principle. Other religions recognize God as the ultimate arbitrator, and sentient beings are suffering for their sins. Nevertheless, God's salvation of beings was carried out through Jesus' sacrifice, and thus it clearly indicated that salvation cannot stray away from Causal Laws. When the way of the Lord still abides by Causal Laws, according to the Dharma teachings, the Lord is also "selfless" in the sense that the Lord also lacks absolutely independent existence. That things are causally present had been explicitly taught in Dharma, and indeed it had been hinted at through examples in other religions, thus it is clear that the basic principle to unify all religions is the recognition of Causal Laws as the fundamental truth. In other words, non-self is the single ultimate truth. (That sentient beings are suffering for their sins is what was referred to by Tara as "cut sentient beings." That Jesus, as son of God, was sacrificed to accomplish God's salvation of beings is what Tara referred to as "a blade with its cutting edge turning upward to cut Jesus." As to my exposition of the inherent significance of this blessed experience and making it well know to the world is what Tara meant by "you bring it back (to the world).") Green Tara bestowed on me such a great blessing on the day of my mother's 92nd birthday (April 10, 2008 in Taiwan); as a consequence my remembrance of mother's grace becomes truly inseparable from remembering Tara's grace. Hereby I dedicate the merits of this work to the celebration of my mother's longevity, may she enjoy merits and longevity in good health and peace, and bestow on her family her loving care for long.
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