三句走江湖 林鈺堂 簡繁轉換 - 繁體三十年前學俄文三年 遇到通俄語的寧一就說 其實這三句就可闖天下 事已至此 打落門牙和血吞 就說 實在忍無可忍 走為上策 就說 總之 一團和氣 就靠這三句 二○○七年十月廿四日
Three Expressions to Travel the World with ----- Original Message ----- Disciple Detong found it very humorous and amusing, so she asked me to write it in calligraphy. May all beings attain Enlightenment soon! Yutang ----- Original Message ----- 佛, 我想將您像這些妙語如珠的作品輯成《 浴塘風雅》篇,慈意為何? 目前將輯錄的有: 可否請佛也電郵大眾,讓大家共同來找出他們認為風趣幽默的詩作以增入呢? 感謝慈恩! Regards! Detong Three Expressions to Travel the World with Yutang Lin Thirty years ago I learned Russian for three years When I met Ning Yi who speaks Russian I said Indeed, one could travel the world with these three expressions In short, harmony sustained, all relying on these three Written in Chinese and translated on October 24, 2007 [Home][Back to list][Three Expressions to Travel the World with] |