蓮師密法依尊傳, 跋 二○○七年九月十七日于西安午宴席間,林上師賜予弟子眾佳釀美酒。入口之際清涼甘冽,綿軟芳醇,飲後不但沒有醉意,原本昏昏欲睡至此忽然完全清醒——上師解說是喝到甘露了。有感於朝聖中上師示現種種神跡,服膺上師的無等功德,即席自然湧出讚詞祈請。 蓮師所傳雙運密法,乃密宗之精華。林上師依此法即生即身成佛,佛號“金剛蓮華”,與蓮師和勝樂金剛無二無別,自然是此法最尊之傳承上師。文殊化身陳祖師傳下清淨的普賢王如來壇城法脈,圓融三乘,藏密的其他主要法脈也都包含其中。林上師繼承陳祖師的各項法務,英譯講解陳祖師的著作,更特開大圓融教法之先河,文殊祖師的慧燈要依靠林上師來續明。 林上師在朝禮唐密青龍寺祖庭時言:“東密行人將來要在我的著作裏領會法要”。因此第三句用“明”配合“精義”的“義”,成語有“開宗明義”,在這裏“明”是“開顯”的意思。同時“明”還代表智慧方便雙運。上師言:“過去的一個法夢中,夢到空海大師將兩個球互相快速繞旋,是代表金剛界和胎藏界相互圓融而無可執。而且每個球還快速自旋,是說單獨的也圓融且無可執”。上師說這是唐密的深意所在。在這裏用“日”“月”代表,覺得也很恰當。這個“明”的動作與前兩句的動詞“傳”和“續”都是自林上師發出的。如此的佛法大任唯有林上師堪能擔當! 弟子份上,要求得師“傳”,方可修“續”,繼而得“明”,開啟五“輪”,徹證一體。末尾四個字自然巧合法意,無心而成;也暗合上師長久住世轉法輪,行者自然可以順利獲得加持。四個字又恰聯成“續明輪傳”,想是法燈續明,法脈綿延不斷之佳兆。
Supplication to Guru Lin for Long Stay in the World and Everlasting Turning of the Dharma Wheel ----- Original Message ----- Post it in appendix to Lian Yi. From: Yutang Lin Disciple Hao sent in a well written calligraphy on supplication to me. From: Wang Hao 呈上偈頌,並請上師加持賜教。 2009/12/28 Wang Hao 好的,我找一下或者重寫。 王浩合十 2009/12/26 jui khin yeo 請您給我,以前您寫之”祈請林上師長久住世永轉法輪偈”之墨寶.最好是黑字白底.謝謝. 敬行合十
Supplication to Guru Lin for Long Stay in the World and Everlasting Turning of the Dharma Wheel ----- Original Message ----- Wang Hao, This is truly well written, especially the full size file looks so nice and solemn. I am sharing the smaller size file with all on my list. He had written, on the birthday of Medicine Guru Buddha, the gatha he composed in requesting my long stay in this world and constant turning of the Dharma wheel.
Yutang From: Hao Wang 頂禮 上師金剛蓮華佛! 尊貴的上師: 在藥師佛聖誕,弟子敬書〈祈請 林上師長久住世永轉法輪偈〉,
恭請師佛聖壽無疆,廣轉無上法輪! 弟子王浩 頂禮謝恩 Regards! Hao ----- Original Message ----- Disciple Wang Hao had written a gatha to supplicate the long stay in the world of Guru Lin and his spreading the Dharma forever. It is a well written gatha with an excellent explanation.
Yutang Supplication to Guru Lin for Long Stay in the World and Everlasting Turning of the Dharma Wheel Tantric teachings of Guru Rinpoche rely on Your Reverence to pass on,
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