樂著人事猶沾糞,清風吹過也傳臭; 跋 人事是非難忘,舊帳心中老提;似此心地難開,自限敝陋不悟;談吐便出穢氣,遇上即覺不堪。行人心當住法,俗慮自願離棄;行止與佛相順,香光薰沐日增;日久功深成證,香光薰化世間。 二○○七年六月十三日
----- Original Message ----- As requested by disciple Shu Zhen below F1423 is now in calligraphy, and the files are attached. This email is Bcc to all on my list for all to share these. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Goh Yong Lee Dearest Guru, Attached to Human Affairs Yutang Lin Being attached to human affairs is like tainted with feces. Comment: Minute details of human affairs could not be forgotten. Old accountings are constantly checked through in mind. When mind is like this, so difficult to open up, one would not realize that it is a self-confinement in useless wastes. Thus, in conversation stinking smell would spread, and people encountering it would feel awful. The mind of a Dharma practitioner should abide on Dharma related matters, and voluntarily leave and renounce mundane thoughts and considerations. When one's actions and inactions are in accordance with Buddha's teachings and examples, daily the imbuing of fragrance and light of purity would increase. As such imbuing continues for long time and one becomes totally purified, then one would be spreading such imbuing in the world. Written in Chinese and translated on June 13, 2007 [Home][Back to list][Attached to Human Affairs] |