王浩刻純真、率真二印,皆密封。示以三切,切斷形執、內外之分、及僵化。彼領教,自謂乃「畫龍點睛」。余則以為乃是點活矣! 二○○七年五月廿九日
----- Original Message ----- I wrote Dian Huo, a touch to resurrect, in calligraphy, and had
translated it into English already. F1417 need to be typed. Attain Enlightenment Soon! Yutang A Touch to Resurrect Yutang Lin Disciple Wang Hao carved two seals Chun Zhen, Purity, and Shuai Zhen, Behaving Innocently, and both were completely enclosed by a shape. I showed him three cuts to cut through grasping to form, distinction of inner and outer, and stiffening. He comprehended the significance and said that the advice was like adding the final touch of the black of the eye on a painted dragon to bring it alive. And I thought that it was a touch to resurrect! Written in Chinese and translated on May 29, 2007 [Home][Back to list][A Touch to Resurrect] |