已無成竹在胸,信筆塗鴉也行; 跋 應弟子眾及佛友們之請而以毛筆書寫拙詩以來,頗受歡迎。自揣其理,但係率真而為,不受章法所拘,故雖信筆之作,自然有行雲流水之勢。 二○○七年五月廿五日
----- Original Message ----- Today's New work done in Chinese, English and Calligraphy. All three files attached. Attain Enlightenment Soon! Yutang Calligraphy Done in Innocence Yutang Lin In the absence of predetermined concepts, Comment: Since I started to write some of my poems in calligraphy upon requests from disciples or Dharma friends, the works had been received with enthusiasm from many. I think the reason is that, my calligraphy was done as I felt like, without considerations to any set regulations. Consequently, even though they were done with brush roaming about, there is naturally a sense of a flow of clouds or water standing out on the paper. Written in Chinese and translated on May 25, 2007 [Home][Back to list][Calligraphy Done in Innocence] |