觀音悲淚化現救度母, 跋 弟子智宣請書度母咒,弟子遍照因而提請造讚。二十一尊度母中有一尊現忿怒相。度母眾分掌眾生各類苦難之救脫,天災人禍無不包羅。「送子觀音」即度母,而文佛證覺之際亦蒙度母護持退魔。眾生苦深,極盼如母之慈佑,因而對慈佑一切之度母,特別殷殷持念。
Praise to Taras ----- Original Message ----- New Work in Chinese, English and Calligraphy all attached.
Yutang 綠度母心咒
Calligraphy of Green Tara Mantra ----- Original Message ----- As requested by disciple Zhi Xuan I had written the Tara Mantra in Calligraphy. Both his request in Chinese and the calligraphy are attached. Yutang 南無金剛蓮花佛! 此外,弟子現在在整理七年前結婚時流通印贈的《救度母儀軌》,這次弟子整理時,希望把裏面的聖度母心咒依照我們普賢王如來壇城傳承的發音進行更正,所以,弟子想請求 師佛寫出《救度母心咒》的手澤,一來弟子可以依照 師佛的發音修正,二來弟子等可以將它印成手澤流通贈送,希望 師佛慈悲滿願!(弟子查看了《度母息災火供儀軌》上面的心咒,《嗡、打縷、朵打縷、朵縷、娑哈》的「縷」字不知道該怎樣準確讀出?還有一些傳承讀成「打熱」,或是「打裏」?何種發音更似 師佛的發音,請求 恩師慈悲賜教! Yes. I will do it soon. 衷心祈禱 師佛佛母及諸佛子佛體安康,吉祥如意,永久住世利樂有情!
Praise to Taras Yutang Lin Taras, the salvation mothers, born of compassionate tears of Guan Yin, Comment: Disciple Zhi Xuan requested me to write Green Tara's mantra in Calligraphy. Upon seeing it, disciple Pian Zhao requested me to write a praise to Taras. Among the twenty one Taras one appears as wrathful. The Taras are in charge, respectively, of saving beings from various kinds of calamities; all sorts of natural disasters and human tragedies are all included. The "Guan Yin that delivers offspring," renown to Chinese, is a Tara. Even when Siddhartha was on the verge of attaining enlightenment it was Green Tara who protected him and warded off the devils. Sentient beings are in deep suffering, and hence we desperately look forward to motherly salvation. Therefore, to Taras who mercifully grant help and salvation to all beings we especially hold them dear in our hearts.
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