弟子提請造簡軌,蒙恩顯像示開許; 跋 不久前應弟子偉健之請而敬造<禮敬護法關公簡軌>。當時即先蒙關公顯閒居像以示開許造軌。隨後弟子惟欽將之譯成英文,並經我審訂完稿。三日後之今日,弟子秀麗供我黃玉關公之項鍊,而彼完全不知以上造軌等情,在一個月前與友人談及欲以此供師,而彼友近日剛由上海尋得此像,並帶回交彼。如此巧妙加持之感應,正顯示冥冥之中護法聖眾之維護。應秀麗之請,如實記載,以銘伽藍菩薩之恩德。
Yellow Jade Guan Gong
Yellow Jade Guan Gong Yellow Jade Guan Gong Yutang Lin A disciple requested me to compose a simple ritual, Comment: Not long ago disciple Wei Jian requested me to compose a simple ritual for paying homage to protector Guan Gong. The next morning while asleep I saw a statue of Guan Gong sitting in leisure. That was an auspicious sign of granting his approval for a simple ritual. So I wrote one. Soon afterwards disciple Jui Khin translated it into English and I reviewed and revised it. Today, only three days thereafter, disciple Julie offered me a necklace with a yellow jade Guan Gong pendant. She was completely unaware of the above matters related to the Guan Gong rituals. About a month ago she mentioned to a friend of hers that she would like to offer a Guan Gong necklace to her Guru, and her friend just found this one in Shang Hai, China and brought it back to her only a few days ago. Such a wondrous blessing and inspirational occurrence illustrated that protectors are guarding practitioners in inconspicuous ways. As requested by Julie I recorded this truthfully to mark forever the gracious merits of the Bodhisattva Qie Lan.
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