循貪修空整體動,五毒紛起不由人; 跋 理論上,密法種種設施用以分別對治五毒之一。實修上,任循其一而修,必然牽動五毒之整體,不由自主,而需一概調伏、觀空。因此,修密應知圓融五毒,一概知其為執著,而任其現前,完全捨下。更進而究之,則一切觀念、思緒、情緒亦偏執所現,當圓融對治,一概視為執著習氣,而不隨行,並徹底離棄。故知證德絕非單項之成熟,而是五毒同時漸消終盡之結果。 二○○七年四月廿三日
Five Poisons Harmonized ----- Original Message ----- As requested by disciple Mian Yan the calligraphy was done. Both files attached.
Yutang Five Poisons Harmonized Yutang Lin Practicing no grasping along Greed moves the totality. Comment: In theory, various practices in Buddhist Tantras are to be employed as antidotes to one of the Five Poisons respectively. In actual practices, as one advances along one of the Five Poisons, the totality of all Five Poisons will be activated beyond the practitioner's control, and then they will need to be all tamed and visualized as of the Blank Essence. Therefore, to practice Tantra one needs to harmonize the Five Poisons by understanding all of them to be grasping, and hence allow their presence freely but renounce them completely. Furthermore, all concepts, thoughts and emotions are appearances of biased grasping, and a Tantric practitioner should remedy them through harmonization, i.e., seeing all of them as habitual tendency of grasping, and therefore not to follow them in deeds but to renounce and stay away from them. Thus we come to comprehend that realization of attainment in Dharma practices is not maturity in some single aspects, but the fruitful result of Five Poisons concurrently diminished gradually till their eventual extinction and eradication.
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