琉璃纖手捻花嬌,花非花時又是啥? 跋 有弟子供一琉璃墜子之項鍊,乃纖手捻花之形,而造者題之為「花非花」。順此機緣問弟子:「花非花,那麼是甚麼?」 依《金剛經》內三段破立之論法(參閱拙著〈《金剛經》要旨〉),則:花,非花,是名「花」。 若逢禪和,則可能直應:「是琉璃!」 二○○六年十一月廿九日
Flower, not flower in calligraphy ----- Original Message ----- Good choices. I will write them. Yutang -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Charles Dear Guru, Flower, not flower Yutang Lin Made of Liu Li, tender hand holds
flower delicate, Comments: A disciple offered me a necklace with a Liu Li (lazurite) pendant in the shape of a tender hand holding a delicate flower, and the manufacturer of the ornament named it "Flower, not Flower." In accordance with such a situation I asked the disciple, "Flower, not flower, then what is it?" According to the "Three Steps Involving Breaking down and Setting up" argument type of the Diamond Sutra (Cf. my work "Essential Principles of the Diamond Sutra"), then: Flower, not flower, is named "flower." If a Chan (Zen) practitioner encountered this, then the direct response might be: "Liu Li!" Written in Chinese on November 29, 2006 [Home][Back to list][Flower, not flower] |