交響樂 林鈺堂 簡繁轉換 - 繁體樂器百般各奏鳴,音聲和諧曲動聽; 跋 音聲各異,不妨交響融和,因此觀音易悟空性之理。修行求解脫,因而出離世俗,修清淨行。欲達究竟解脫,必需忘我利眾,因此入世渡化,廣結佛緣。如何調融出世與入世、清淨與隨緣?萬法性空,本來清淨,只要看透此理,便能隨緣修清淨,出離在世間,離於對立,而行空有、淨垢之交響,享忘我之樂於其運行間。 二○○六年十一月廿八日
----- Original Message ----- From: "Yutang Lin" To: "Dharma Friends" Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2007 5:54 AM Subject: Four More Poems in Calligraphy:交響樂、愛在不扶、表達方式、流 They are attached. 檔案全附呈。 It is wonderful to write them in calligraphy knowing that they had moved some people. 能夠寫下這些讓一些人感動的詩句真好。 Attain Enlightenment Soon! 祝早成佛! Yutang 鈺堂 From: 張曉豔 頂禮上師慈父足下 上師: 您好! 最近,看到您應各地弟子之請,每天都在繁忙地書寫詩篇,想必很是操勞,請您保重貴體。 其實,前天我也想請您書寫幾首讓我感觸颇深的詩,怕您太辛苦了。今天看到您準備編纂《浴塘游詠》詩集,那我就恭請上師書寫《交響樂》、《愛在不扶》、《表達方式》三首詩。 當我第一次讀到《交響樂》中〝世情萬千慈悲入,履塵無染齊超升。〞的詩句時,我的心靈受到了震撼。我覺得,這首詩道出了出離與入世、清靜與隨緣的真諦!通過這首詩,使我認識到:也許,由於種種原因,我們無法像想像中的理想境界那樣出離修行,但是,如果能像上師您所言,懷著一顆慈悲之心,出離在世間,離於對立,行空有、淨垢之交響,享忘我之樂於其間運行。我想,這也許是上師對我們這些無法出離修行的弟子的一種在世間修行的指導和勸勉吧。 《表達方式》是我在兩年前剛剛進入網站時看到的。這首詩可謂是我的良師益友。它引起了我思想上的共鳴,使我漸漸地領悟到其中的要旨。我覺得,它不但可以調節夫妻關係、還是處理與同事、朋友,甚至是與陌生人之間關係的一件法寶。看完此詩後,我立刻就將它存入了我的手機中。當我爲一些不能釋懷的事情煩惱時,我就打開這首詩來看,用它開導自己。說實在的,我從中受益匪淺。後來,我將此詩轉發給一些好朋友,以驅散我們心中那份爭強好勝的執著。〝表達方式千萬種,謙下體恤添祥和!〞一直在鞭策著我,讓我隨時調適自己的內心,指導我去爲人處世。 拜讀了上師的詩作《愛在不扶》,我首先聯想到父母在教育子女時應該有的態度和方法,進而想到我們在跟隨上師修行的路上,上師您對我們這些弟子所寄予的厚望。〝放手不扶存深愛,隨緣平等真濟渡。〞是啊,從中我們看到了上師心中的那份大愛! 願正法常住世間!祈願上師父母壽恒住世!祈願普賢王如來壇城早日建成! 弟子曉豔于北京頂禮百拜 Symphony Yutang LinHundred kinds of musical instruments
individually played and resonated, Comments: With tones and sounds variant, and yet that does not affect their concurrent symphony. Therefore, observing sounds may ease one's comprehension of the selfless nature of all things. Engaging in Dharma practices aims at emancipation; therefore, one renounces worldly engagements to practice pure ways beyond worldly pollutions. To attain ultimate liberation one needs to benefit all beings at disregard to self-interests; therefore, one enters worldly communities with the aim to enlighten them and to build extensive Dharma connections. How then to harmonize renouncing the world and entering the world, and remaining unpolluted and accommodating to situations? All things are of Blank Essence and hence originally pure. As long as this point is thoroughly comprehended, then one would be able to practice pure ways while accommodating to situations, and renouncing the worldly manners while living among worldlings. One would leave dualistic attitudes behind and proceed in the symphony of Blank Essence and phenomena, purity and worldly, and enjoy the pleasure of selflessness amid such movements. Written in Chinese on November 28, 2006 [Home][Back to list][Symphony] |