病發毒盡方易癒,修途同理多波折; 治病的療程中,有時是要讓病發作,使毒出盡,才易痊癒。類似此理,修行的道途上也往往會有懈怠、退轉的時期。這是因為修行是淨化身心的過程,而修到一個程度會使原先潛伏的宿業病根暴露出來,導致病態的發作。吾人只要不忘失菩提心,在稍事歇息後再循正法進修,便可漸漸安渡此類之曲折,繼續在覺路上進步。 二○○五年八月十日
Showing the Symptoms in Calligraphy ----- Original Message ----- From: Yutang Lin To: 'firstname lastname' Sent: Saturday, March 17, 2007 10:51 AM Subject: RE: 病亦助道 Good understanding and request. I will write them. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: firstname lastname 吾佛 金剛蓮華佛慈座: 佛安! 弟子去年七月發覺目病〈白內障、青光眼〉至今,深受其苦,實難為人知,死不是不怕,但最怕的還是瞎了,我的眼科醫生一再告戒我,不要以為動手術就可恢復視力,很難說的,聽得我心如墮黑暗地獄,驚怖不已。曾一度整個人倒下,連工也無法做了,老天好像知我不是最怕死,我最怕就是眼睛瞎了,偏偏眼睛就出了問題,我一直相當照顧眼睛,中藥如杞菊地黃或明目地黃常服,但最後還是出了問題,業力可畏。我讀了慈尊的「病亦助道」、「發病」,心裡好過多了,尤其是那一句「淨化身心長遠事,鍥而不舍便安渡」讓我知道以後的日子要怎麼做,心裡才漸漸定了下來。眼病的苦,也讓我確實知道「病中易體眾生苦,體會眾苦每加深,行者雖病不忘修」,但願六道所有的病苦眾生,心住「心無掛礙,無掛礙故,無有恐怖,遠離顛倒夢想,究竟涅槃」那摩觀世音菩薩,我佛無盡慈悲。我也因此病緣,故向慈尊提請「病亦助道」、「發病」二首佛偈作為「浴塘游詠」墨寶,以資激勵病苦眾生向上向善,菩提不退,堅固道心。我也在此乞請金剛蓮華佛無盡慈悲,幫六道病苦眾生和我代禱,乞求所患疾病早日痊癒,離苦得樂,早日成佛。 在此謹祝我佛金剛蓮華佛 如意吉祥 弟子 羅文英提請與乞求代禱 Showing the Symptoms by Yutang Lin Let full symptoms develop and poison be exhausted for easier cure. Comment: In the course of curing a disease sometimes the treatment aims at letting the symptoms develop fully so that the poison will be exhausted and then the cure will become easier to attain. For similar reasons, on the practice path now and then there are periods of indolence or recess. This is because engaging in Dharma practices means entering a course of physical as well as spiritual purification. When one reaches certain stages in this course certain hidden karmic roots of impurity become exposed and lead to full development of symptoms of ill-being. As long as we don't forget Bodhi intentions and resume right Dharma practices after some break and rest, then we will gradually be able to overcome such windings safely and continue to make progress on the road to Enlightenment. Written in Chinese and translated on August 10, 2005 [Home][Back to list][Showing the Symptoms] |