龍飾法服 林鈺堂 簡繁轉換 - 繁體 四肢龍繞金剛手,長鬚龍咬延世壽; 跋 陳上師以中式長袍及瓜皮帽為正式法衣,講經、獻瓶、火供、放生、超幽之際,皆鄭重披用。吾等亦遵循之,十餘年如一日。 近年來,有弟子閔居士欲供法服,因思及當年蒙陳師恩准首次行毗沙門天王火供之清晨,於夢中得加持,有四小蛇(表龍)同時用力繞四肢,一如金剛手菩薩之嚴飾,(行此火供時,行者自觀為金剛手),並有一大蛇由我身前之下方仰張其口,咬我鬍鬚向下拉,表龍王加持長壽。為紀念此恩,即請在法服之袖管及褲管皆繡圍繞之龍。為使法務活動方便,而改長衣為短袍。至於瓜皮帽,則依密法五方佛之五色,而配頂上為藍色(中),前方為白色(東),然後順時鐘方向分配右、後及左為黃(南)、紅(西)及綠(北)。黑色(表護法)帽沿,前方有寶珠,兩側則為龍鳳或雙龍朝珠環繞。 經閔居士之努力,兩度赴上海訂製多種質地及底色之法服,而得以披用此服,匆匆已約兩年矣!謹此詳誌緣起,酬彼虔敬,並願有緣見聞此服或此篇者咸蒙法恩及龍恩! 二○○五年七月十五日
Dragon-adorned Dharma Outfit Yutang Lin Four limbs circled by dragons as the Bodhisattva Vajrapani, Comment: Guru Chen used Chinese style long robe and melon-rind cap as his formal Dharma outfit. Whenever he gave Dharma lectures, offered Dragon vases, performed fire pujas, released lives back to nature, or performed Powa, he would solemnly put it on. We also followed this tradition and continued to use such outfit for more than a decade. In recent years disciple Upasaka Min wanted to offer Dharma outfit. Then it occurred to me that years ago when, with Guru Chen's permission, I was going to perform the fire puja to the Heavenly King Vaisravana for the very first time, that morning in a dream I received blessings: four small snakes (representing dragons) simultaneously and forcefully circled around my four limbs, just as the adornments on the Bodhisattva Vajrapani. (During fire puja to Vaisravana the master is to visualize himself as Vajrapani.)In addition, there was a large snake in front of my body, it rose up from below and opened its mouth upward, then bit my beards and pulled downward; this signified the Dragon King was giving me blessing of longevity. In commemoration of this grace I asked Min to have dragons embroidered around the sleeves and trousers of the Dharma outfit to be made. To facilitate movements during Dharma activities I changed the long robe to a short one. As to the melon-rind cap, in accordance with the five colors of the Five Buddhas of the Five Areas in Buddhist Tantra, the top circle is blue in color (center), the front is white (east), then going clockwise, right side is yellow (south), back is red (west), and left side is green (north). Black (color of protectors) rim of the cap has a Gem Ball in front, and it is surrounded on two sides by a pair of dragon and phoenix or a pair of two dragons. Through the efforts of Upasaka Min, including two trips to Shang Hai, China to have such outfits in different colors and materials custom-made, I have been using them for about two years now. Here I carefully recorded the origination of this matter in gratitude to his sincere reverence. And I hope that all those who will hear about or see these Dharma outfits or read this report will be blessed by Dharma and the Dragons. Written in Chinese and translated on July15, 2005 [Home][Back to list][Dragon-adorned Dharma Outfit] |